The HI10482 HALO is a revolutionary pH electrode that incorporates Bluetooth® Smart (Bluetooth 4.0) wireless technology with an application-specific design. This double junction electrode has many features that make it ideal for use throughout a wide variety of industries, including wine. These features include General Purpose (GP) glass, spheric bulb design, integrated temperature sensor, glass body, and is refillable with 3.5M KCl fill solution electrolyte.
General Purpose Glass Formulation
General Purpose (GP) glass, as the name implies, is a standard glass formulation that is used for general use. A pH electrode with GP glass will have a resistance of 100 megaohms at 25°C and is suited for measuring pH of samples that are at ambient temperatures. The HI10482 is suitable to use with wine samples that measure from 0 to 80°C (32 to 176°F).
Spheric Glass Tip
The spheric bulb is for general purpose use within laboratory environments and applications that measure aqueous solutions, such as wine, due to its large surface area. Other tip shapes include conic for penetration and flat tip for surface measurements.
Built-In Temperature Sensor
HI10482 features a built-in thermistor temperature sensor that is in the tip of the indicating pH electrode. A thermistor temperature sensor provides for a high accuracy temperature reading and should be as close as possible to the indicating pH electrode in order to compensate for the effect that temperature has on the membrane potential as predicted by the Nernst equation. By having an accurate reading it is possible to provide a temperature compensated reading. Having a built in temperature sensor is important in wine since the measured pH values are more than 3 pH units away from the isopotential point. The further away from the isopoetntail point the greater the influence that temperature has on the observed reading.
Glass Body
The glass body of the HI10482 is ideal for wine analysis use. Glass is resistant to many harsh chemicals and is easy to clean wine stains from. The glass body also allows for a fast transfer of heat to the internal reference electrolyte. The mV generated by the reference cell is temperature dependent, so the faster thermal equilibrium is reached, the steadier the reference potential.
Movable CPS Sleeve Junction
Clogging Prevention System (CPS) technology is an innovation for the improvement of pH measurements in wine juice and must samples that have a high solids content. Conventional pH electrodes use ceramic junctions that can clog quickly when used in samples with high solids content. When the junction is clogged, the electrode does not function properly and erratic readings are the result. The CPS technology utilizes ground glass junction coupled with a PTFE sleeve to prevent clogging. The ground glass allows proper flow of the liquid, while the PTFE sleeve repels solids. As a result, pH electrodes with CPS technology take up to 20 times longer to be fouled as compared to conventional electrodes. When the electrode becomes fouled the PTFE sleeve can be moved to clean the ground glass surface rejuvenating the junction and extending the probe life.
HALO pH electrodes can connect with HI2202 edgeblu meter or a compatible Apple or Android device running the Hanna Lab App.