Convenient and ready-to-use CLEARLY Protein Ladder sets are mixtures of 11 highly purified recombinant proteins. When used during SDS-PAGE, these protein ladder sets provide molecular weight markers ranging from 10-250 kDa (unstained ladder) or 10-210 kDa (pre-stained ladder). Load directly on gels - no pre-heating is necessary. CLEARLY Protein Ladder (Unstained) is recommended as a precise molecular weight standard. Use the CLEARLY Stained Protein Ladder to easily monitor the efficiency of protein transfer to a western blot. Because the conjugation of dye to proteins in the CLEARLY Stained Protein Ladder affects migration of the highest molecular weight proteins in the ladder, it is not recommended as a reference for precise molecular weight calculations. In this instance, use the unstained ladder.
Apparent Molecular Weight
210 kDa
140 kDa
100 kDa
70 kDa*
55 kDa
45 kDa
35 kDa
30 kDa*
20 kDa
15 kDa
10 kDa
*Reference band (four-fold greater intensity relative to the other bands)