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Biomerieux TEMPO

The TEMPO® instrument is the food industry’s first automated quality indicator testing system for the enumeration of quality indicator organisms in food and environmental samples. TEMPO® automates food safety testing for total viable counts, coliform counts, generic E. coli, and Enterobacteriaceae, lactic acid bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus, and yeasts/molds. Food pathogen detection testing for these organisms is important to a food quality laboratory for determining overall product hygiene and also as an indication of product spoilage. Click the button below and enquire now to speak with one of our product specialists!

Brand: bioMérieux

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Time management is crucial in the agri/food industry. TEMPO® helps you:

  • Speed up the selection and management of raw materials
  • Accelerate corrective action in the case of non-compliance
  • Expedite product release, especially for re-tests
  • Accelerate stock rotation

TEMPO® helps gain time for other tasks:

  • Assess production process to better understand and anticipate possible non-compliance
  • Carry out trend analyses of results
  • Revisit HACCP plan and monitor the critical control points
  • Improve the training of production personnel in microbiological risks
  • Reinforce food pathogen control plan or increase chemical analyses
  • Increase testing analyses


  • Quality control food microbiology testing for determining overall product hygiene and also as an indication of product spoilage.
  • Quality indicator enumeration of total viable counts, coliform counts, generic E. coli, and Enterobacteriaceae, lactic acid bacteria and Staphylococcus aureus, and yeast/molds for food and environmental samples.

TEMPO® Cards

bioMérieux innovates by proposing specific culture media which allow rapid bacterial growth. bioMérieux miniaturized the Most Probable Number (MPN) method with 16 tubes in a single consumable, the TEMPO® card.

  • The card, at the heart of the TEMPO® system, offers the precision of the 16-tube MPN method without the usual tedious preparation.
  • Each medium contains a fluorescent indicator based on the formula of traditional culture media and bioMérieux’s expertise in bacteriology.
  • Each well in the card corresponds to a dilution tube and the size of the well corresponds to 1 to 3 levels of dilution.
  • After distribution of the culture media-sample mixture in the wells of the card, the bacteria multiply during incubation and metabolize the culture media.
  • According to the number and size of the positive wells (fluorescent or non-fluorescent), the TEMPO® system uses statistical methods to calculate the number of microorganisms present in the initial sample.
  • The final result is expressed in CFU/g.



  • TEMPO® TVC (AOAC Research Institute Certification Number 120602): Enumeration of aerobic mesophilic total flora in 40-48 hours in food products and environmentals
  • TEMPO® CC (AOAC Research Institute Certification Number 060702): Enumeration of coliforms following the Bacteriological Analytical Manual (BAM) definition in 22-27 hours for food and environmental samples
  • TEMPO® EC (AOAC Research Institute Certification Number 080603): Enumeration of Escherichia coli in 22-27 hours in food products
  • TEMPO® EB (AOAC Research Institute Certification Number 050801): Enumeration of Enterobacteriaceae in 22-27 hours in food products, with no need for confirmation
  • TEMPO® LAB: Enumeration of lactic acid bacteria in 40-48 hours in food products
  • TEMPO® STA: Enumeration of Staphylococcus aureus in 24-27 hours in food products, with no need for confirmation
  • TEMPO® YM: Enumeration of yeasts and molds in 72-76 hours for food products