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Cellaca PLX Image Cytometry System

The Cellaca PLX system with Matrix analysis software and dedicated reagents and consumables provides a benchtop solution for accurate measurements of small sample volumes to easily perform rapid subpopulation analysis for downstream processing.

Brand: Nexcelom

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Multiplexing Made Easy
The Cellaca PLX image cytometry system is easy to use, performing simple yet sensitive cell counts, viability readouts, and multiplex analysis in seconds.

Small Sample Volume
The sample-efficient Cellaca PLX requires between 15 – 50 uL per single sample analysis. That’s 10-30 times less sample volume required per test, compared to a flow cytometer.

Speed with Sensitivity
The time to downstream processing is shortened by multiplexing with four channels with viability readouts at one minute per sample.

Optimized Assays and Kits
Our simple-to-use, mix, incubate, wash, and read reagent kits provide immunophenotyping plus viability multiplexing assays using disposable, low fluorescence consumables.

Stress-Free Software
Optimized protocols streamline surface marker staining, vitality, and apoptosis analysis with step-by-step methodologies and customizable result presentations.

Low Auto-Fluorescent Consumables
Allow for accurate surface marker detection.

Hardware, Instruments, and System Capabilities

The Cellaca PLX’s ability to consistently image, de-cluster, and report cell counts, viability, concentration, and phenotyping data makes it a versatile instrument during every stage of cell line development. The Cellaca PLX allows labs to shorten the time to downstream processing by multiplexing with up to four channels to obtain critical viability readouts at one minute per sample with no warm-up time. The cell population data can then be viewed as a histogram, scatter plot, dot plot, or contour plot for easy data viewing and analysis.

Whether using it as a complementary method for additional data or as the first stop before starting downstream assays, image cytometry can save laboratories time and prevent excessive sample loss. With this output speed, researchers can quickly perform cell purity checks at the bench and then easily continue with downstream assays without waiting for a flow cytometer. By performing multiplexing assays at the bench, laboratories can reduce the reliance on a busy flow core facility, saving flow cytometry for more complicated or detailed assays.

Expert Support for Assay Development

On-site, remote, and hybrid training are available to assist with initial setup and continued assay support for improved workflows.

Multi-Language Support

Offering over 7,000 language settings for easy global data transfer.

Remote and Field Serviceability

Calibration-free instrumentation with minimal to no routine maintenance. No clogging or liquid waste stream.

Automation Ready

Compatible with robotic integration and automated liquid handling systems.

21 CFR Part 11 Ready

  • Audit trails, time stamping, user access control, and electronic signatures.
  • File locking and change tracking.
  • Creation of new customizable defined roles with multiple configurations available
  • A close-looped database system to aid with data integrity and security.

Stress-Free Intuitive Software

  • Built-in assays with optimized settings for over 400 individual cell types.
  • Customizable data and calculation reports with graphs, images, charts, and tables for ease of information sharing.
Cellaca PLX Cellaca MX FL2
Channels Brightfield, Blue, Green, Orange, Red, Far Red Brightfield, Green, Red
Number of Fluorescent Channels 13 (6 per scan) 3 (2 per scan)
Excitation LED 370, 475, 531, 628 nm 470, 527 nm
Emissions Filters 452, 534, 605, 655, 692 nm 534, 655 nm
Commonly Used Compatible Dyes and Assays Trypan Blue, AO/PI, Hoechst, DAPI, GFP, RFP, CMFDA, Calcein AM, 7AAD, Annexin V, PE, APC, KIRAVIA Blue 520TM* Trypan Blue, AO/PI, Calcein AM, Annexin V, Caspase 3/7
Counting Speed per well Fluorescence 4-channel scan – Less than 1 minute Trypan Blue – 2 seconds


Fluorescence 2-channel scan – Less than 8 seconds

Volume (per sample) 15 µL in slides 50 µL – 200 µL in counting plates 50 µL – 200 µL in counting plates
Size/Diameter Range 5 – 80 µm 5 – 80 µm
Concentration Range 1×105 – 1×10 1×105 – 1×107
IQ/OQ Option Yes Yes