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Mini Titrator for Measuring Titratable Alkalinity in Water and Wastewater - HI84531


The HI84531 is an easy to use, fast and affordable automatic mini titrator designed for testing titratable alkalinity levels in water. Based on an acid base titration method, this mini titrator uses an optimized pre-programmed method of analysis with a powerful algorithm that determines the completion of the titration reaction by the use of a glass body pH electrode.

Brand: Hanna

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HA-HI84531-02 Mini Titrator for Measuring Titratable Alkalinity in Water and Wastewater - HI84531 Mini Titrator for Measuring Titratable Alkalinity in Water and Wastewater - HI84531 Login for price  

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Alkalinity is the ability of water to neutralize acids. Total titratable alkalinity is a measure of primarily three types of alkalinities present in a water sample: hydroxides, carbonates, and bicarbonates. Alkalinity in water can be the result of contributions from common chemicals including carbonates, bicarbonates, hydroxides, phosphates, borate and organic acid salts.

The alkalinity of a water sample indicates its ability to resist pH change. The amount of alkalinity in water is mostly due to the bicarbonate/carbonate present. A low alkalinity level indicates that the water is susceptible to pH changes, while a high alkalinity level indicates that the water will be able to resist pH changes. Alkalinity can also be used to determine the corrosive capacity of water and can provide an estimation of water hardness.

Double Junction pH Electrode

The HI84531 is supplied with the HI1131B refillable, double junction, combination pH electrode. By design, the HI1131B has a spherical tip for use in aqueous or liquid solutions. This versatile electrode provides a wide surface of contact with a sample and is ideal for direct measurements or acid base titrations in the water industry.

Piston Driven Dosing Pump

The heart of the HI84531 is the piston driven burette pump. This type of dosing system uses a motor in which each dose is very precisely controlled and the volume dispensed is accurately determined. The piston driven burette is controlled dynamically so that the volume of titrant being dosed is automatically adjusted based on a voltage response of the previous dose. This type of dosing speeds up the titration process by allowing for more titrant to be dosed at the start of the titration and then very small doses as the endpoint is reached.

Automatic Stirrer

The built-in stirrer is automatically maintained at a speed of 600 rpm, regardless of the viscosity of the solution being titrated.

Range Low Range: 30.0 to 400.0 mg/L; 0.6 to 8.0 meq/L; High Range: 300 to 4000 mg/L; 6.0 to 80.0 meq/L
Resolution Low Range: 0.1 mg/L (ppm); 0.1 meq/L; High Range: 1 mg/L (ppm); 0.1 meq/L
Accuracy (@25ºC/77ºF) Low Range: ±1 mg/L or 3% of reading, whichever is greater; High Range: ±10 mg/L or 3% of reading, whichever is greater
Sample Volume 50 mL
Methods acid-base titration (strong alkalinity/total alkalinity)
Principle endpoint titration: 8.30 pH (phenolphthalein) / 4.50 pH (bromcresol green-methyl red)
Pump Speed 10 mL/min
Stirring Speed 600 rpm
pH Range -2.0 to 16.0 pH; -2.00 to 16.00 pH
pH Resolution 0.1 pH / 0.01 pH
pH Accuracy (@25ºC/77ºF) ±0.01 pH
pH Calibration one, two or three-point calibration; four available buffers (4.01, 7.01, 8.30, 10.01)
Temperature Compensation manual or automatic
mV Range -2000.0 to 2000.0 mV
mV Resolution 0.1 mV
mV Accuracy (@25ºC/77ºF) ±1.0 mV
Temperature Range -20.0 to 120.0°C; -4.0 to 248.0°F; 253.2 to 393.2 K
Temperature Resolution 0.1°C; 0.1°F; 0.1K
Temperature Accuracy (@25ºC/77ºF) ±0.4°C; ±0.8°F; ±0.4 K
Logging Data up to 400 ( 200 titrations, 200 pH/mV readings)
Electrode HI1131B glass body, refillable, with BNC connector and 1 m (3.3’) cable (included)
Temperature Probe HI7662-T stainless steel temperature probe with 1 m (3.3’) cable (included)
Environment 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F); RH max 95% non-condensing
Power Supply 12 VDC adapter (included)
Dimensions 235 x 200 x 150 mm (9.2 x 7.9 x 5.9”)
Weight 1.9 kg (67.0 oz.)
Ordering Information HI84531 is supplied with HI1131B pH electrode, HI7662-M temperature probe, HI84531-50 low range titrant (120 mL), HI84531-51 high range titrant (120 mL), HI84531-55 calibration standard (230 mL), 100 mL beakers (2), dosing pump valve, 5 mL syringe, 2000 µL automatic pipette with two plastic tips, tube set (aspiration tube with titrant bottle cap and dispensing tube with tip), stir bar, power adapter, instruction manual and quality certificate.
Warranty meter 2 years, probe 6 months