Made of high-grade polypropylene which guarantees high thermal resistance in a temperature range from -196°C to +121°C
As a saftety precaution Cryo.s™ should be stored in a freezer or exclusively in the gas phase over the liquid nitrogen
Suitable for shipment by air
Conical bottom
Working volume: 1 ml - 1.2 ml
Diameter: 12.5 mm; total height incl. lid: 42 mm
With starfoot base and internal thread (with a silicone gasket)
With colored screw cap
With white, scratch-resistant writing area
With 150 inserts per case (for additional labelling on the cap)
Additional inserts Cat.-No. 304 171 (50 pieces per bag)
Quantity per bag/case: 100/500
Safety advisory for working with Cryo.s'" Cryo.s'* tubes are intended for sample storage exclusively in the gas phaseover liquid nitrogen or in freezers! lf Cryo.s* are stored in the liquid phase,nitrogen can seep into the tubes. Then upon thawing the vaporising nitrogencan generate high pressure, ultimately resulting in an explosion, as well asthe release of any infectious material.Always take appropriate personal safety measures when working withCryo.srM, including wearing safety clothing, using goggles and working at asafety laboratory bench.When undertaking cryogenic preservation. Cryo.s" must be evenly exposedto freezing temperatures. Uneven temperature exposures can causeformation of ice plugs (i,e. at tube iop) that inhibit the expansion of freezingliquid (i.e. at tube bottom), resulting in dangerous high pressure andsubsequent harm or damage of tubes.Never exceed maximum working volumes